Cron Job's allow you to automatically run scripts/files at a specific time.You can add Cron Jobs...
Custom error pagesCustom error pages are a great way to complete your website. You can use our Custom Error editor...
Default (aka index) page filenameWhen uploading pages you will need a default page or an index so that there is a page displayed...
Enable mod_deflateMod_deflate is an apache (web server) module which basically compresses files before sending them...
File Management (FTP/Shell/Etc) General PHP informationPHP Version: This is available on the left hand side of cPanel. We usually try and run the latest...
Manage MySQL databaseThere are a few ways to manage MySQL databases on our server.The first is to use command line in...
PathsHome path, perl path and sendmail paths are available on the left hand side of cPanel under stats.
Setup MySQL databaseThere's a few ways to setup mysql on our servers."MySQL Databases" in cPanel is only recommended...